Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Couple Miracles

Being a second year student at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, I have the opportunity to be part of the ministry teams that pray for people after church services. Last night I saw two really cool things happen when I was praying. The first was a man who had a deviated septum in his nose, essentially the middle piece of cartilage was off to one side and was blocking one of his nostrils, it had been for years if I remember correctly. Anyway we prayed for a couple minutes and the septum actually moved! By the end of our praying he told me that it was a solid 25% better and he could breathe through both nostrils, God actually moved his septum! The other miracle was a guy with Parkinson's, as far as I am aware Parkinson's is a degenerative disease that slowly does bad things to your body. After we prayed the guy felt the presence of God through tingling in his chest and hands and he could walk normally. Before he came fro prayer we was dragging his feet but after he was lifting both legs with no issue. I really feel like the power of the sickness was broken last night and from now on it will regenerative instead of degenerative. Praise the Lord!

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