Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm posting!

As promised, here is the second weekly post of mine.

This week was an amazing one. When I got back I realized how much I had missed being in Redding. Vacation is nice but I thoroughly enjoy having my own place to chilax and put myself in order. Anyway, on to supernatural craziness.
Last Thursday I went out on community activation, where a group of us students go into a specific part of Redding's community and build relationships with people whilst sharing the love of God with them. Before we went out I started to have an overwhelming sensation that God wanted to demonstrate His power that afternoon and I was reminded of an old lady in our community that was in a real bad place, she needed a walker and breathing tubes up her nose, bad news. So I decided that I would dedicate my time that day to hanging with her and helping anyway I could. When my friends and I got there it turned out that she was taking a nap, but a family was staying in her house helping her so we talked with them. I struck up a conversation with the 13 year old son (Alberto) and started prophesying (telling him what God thought of him/his destiny in life) and praying for him. Then my group leader came in and asked Alberto if he wanted to be taller. He said yes so, after measuring him against a wall, we sat him down and commanded his legs to grow. After doing this and measuring him against the wall again he was undeniably taller, at least 3/4 of an inch! Pretty amazing. On top of that, while this was going on my friends led Alberto's sister to receive Jesus! And this was only my first week back, there's four more months of this stuff!


  1. Thank you for the blog. It's very exciting to read your encounters with the Holy Spirit, as well, hear of the exploits of God in your midst!

    May the light of His face shine upon you and His favor overtake you wherever you go!
