Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Looking to the Future

This is an elaboration on my last post, where I am finding myself being less passionate about the stuff I am doing right now, part of it is certainly that I just love the grace of God in place of my own earning anything, but another fairly large factor is a lot less spiritual. Honestly, I am getting pretty tired of school. It feel like I am just here waiting and preparing for next year, where my life really starts. I have confirmed with the church in Norway that I will be there next fall to intern with them, they are very excited to have me and we will start the process of figuring out what exactly I will do there in the beginning of March. It is going to be so good! But I am not there yet, instead I am here at school which (if I can let out some frustration) does not feel like it is teaching me very much. I know that I am learning, I know that I am growing and that this time is invaluable to prepare me for next year, but I it just is not the most fun thing to do. I wish I could just flick a switch and be fully mature and perfect and skilled etc. Instead I am here, learning how to lead, how to do life, how to preach and all the other things that I will need all the rest of my days. So I will continue and be productive and continue to grow and I will enjoy it, I am committed to enjoying where ever I am. But the things that will keep me going are my visions of the future, I am laying the foundation stones for the rest of my life and I want a really awesome life, so I am going to lay some awesome foundations. Thanks blog viewers for listening to my process, I just went from sulky to excited in the course of a blog entry. Thank you Jesus for the process!

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